Tributary Pool Information

Your community pools are for residents and accompanied guests ONLY. Smoking is PROHIBITED within the gated pool area. This is in accordance with the Georgia Smoke free Air Act of 2005, Section 31-12A-7. Please observe these and other posted rules for an enjoyable pool season!

  1. Pools are open Mid May to the end of September each year.
  2. There will be lifeguards on duty; week-ends only until school is out & after school returns, and 7 days a week in between.
  3. No smoking is permitted inside the fenced-in pool or patio area.
  4. All children under 14 MUST be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older). Parents are encouraged NOT to allow their children under the age of 18 to use the pool unless accompanied by an adult. A babysitter or guardian is defined as a person at least 18 years of age that is not a parent or sibling, and who has the parent's written permission to bring their children to the pool. We require that you forward a copy of this letter to to include the name of the children and phone number of the parents in case of an emergency. It should be signed and dated by at least one of the parents. The babysitter/guardian must stay with the children AT ALL TIMES.
  5. Children who are not quite potty-trained are required to wear disposable swim diapers as well as a close fitting reusable swim diaper. REPORT A CONTAMINATION IMMEDIATELY TO (770)451-8171.
  6. Only proper swimming attire will be allowed in the pool area; Family Friendly swimwear is encouraged.
  7. No glass containers are permitted inside the fenced-in pool area.
  8. You may not bring your own grill inside the fenced-in pool area.
  9. No animals are permitted inside the fenced-in pool area. This includes the playground and inside the Activity Center building.
  10. There should be no running, boisterous or rough play. NO DIVING.
  11. Persons with skin, eye, ear or respiratory infections as well as diarrhea or nausea should NOT enter the pool.
  12. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted within the fenced-in pool area.
  13. No gum, food or drinks are to be brought into the pool. Food is allowed in the patio area.
  14. Please make sure to clean up your trash and place in appropriate receptacles outside. Please wipe down table after your use if necessary.
  15. Lifeguard stands/chairs are OFF LIMITS and should not be used for jumping or diving into the pool.
  16. Only 2 complimentary guests per household per day are allowed to use the pool. You must be 18 to have guests at the pool without parental supervision. Residents must accompany their guests at all times at the pool. House guests of Tributary residents may use the pool for the duration of their stay. Residents are liable and responsible for any damage caused by their guests. All guests are to register at the Village Activity Center Front Desk prior to using the pool.
  17. Residents must accompany their guests at all times at the pool. Residents are responsible and liable for any damages caused by their guests.
  18. Pool use privileges may be suspended by Tributary at New Manchester or Heritage Property Management for non-payment of HOA dues, assessments or charges or for other violations of the Association's legal documents or amenity rules use and regulations.
  19. No pool furniture or other equipment shall be removed from the fenced-in pool or patio area.
  20. Music may only be played at moderate levels. Please be considerate of others with respect to noise level.
  21. Only swim coaches or instructors approved by the community association may conduct classes or lessons.
  22. Playgrounds are not monitored and all residents and guests should use those facilities at their own risk.
  23. Pool Parties are not permitted without prior approval from the BOARD.

Violation of these rules may result in the imposition of fines, suspension of pool privileges and/or the imposition of other legal sanctions. It is each residents' responsibility to comply with the pool rules.

Infraction Policy for Tributary at New Manchester Pools

First Infraction:

  • The person violating the rules will be notified of the violations and asked to suspend the behavior in question. This request will be documented including the date, all individuals involved, and a description of the incident.
  • A letter explaining the infraction and a copy of the Pool Rules and Regulations and Infraction Policy will be sent to the home of the offending party.

Second Infraction:

  • Pool privileges will be suspended for 30 days. If the violation is by an under aged person then they must be accompanied by an adult of the residence.
  • A letter explaining the infraction and possibly the loss of privileges for the period will be sent to the home of the offending party.

If at any time a person is found to be posing a significant health or safety risk to other swimmers, pool privileges may be suspended immediately and for the remainder of the pool season.