HOA Community Meeting – June 13, 2024

Tributary at New Manchester HOA
Community Meeting
6:00 PM-Thursday June 13, 2024
Village Activity Center – 3240 Darby Drive Douglasville, GA 30135


Board Members
  • President-Vicki Potter
  • Vice President- Terrance Maze
  • Treasurer-Chandra Winford
  • Secretary-Jeanette Phillips
  • Board Member 1- Fielder Roberts
  • Board Member 2- Kamilah Henry
  • Board Member 3- Mario Cooper


Call to Order (1 Min)
President-Vicki Potter – Call to order 6:07 Min)
  1. Minutes from May 16, 2024 HOA Executive Session
    1. Motion to approve:Mario and Terrance motion to approve
    2. All approved
  2. Welcome from the president and explanation of board responsibilities


1. Violations – Chair Mario Cooper, Vice Chair Jeanette Phillips (10 – 15 Min)
  1. General Violations Issues.
    1. Violations Process:
      1. Steve/Stephanie to respond first within 24-48 hours and let the resident know that the issue is under review and they will respond appropriately, including escalating to the HOA Board if necessary. The resident should provide the appropriate evidence and a reminder of the Tributary violation process.
      2. Steve/Stephanie will either (i) issue a notice/fine depending on the process (if it is a violation), (ii) escalate to the Violations Chairs for input, or (iii) advise the reporting resident that what they have provided is not a violation.
      3. *Commercial Vehicles?
      4. Suggestion to implement a decal for homeowner’s vehicles that identify them as residents of the community and can help to identify those who may be violating the overnight parking rule
      5. The board needs to define the hours that constitute overnight parking
      6. New policy consideration in place to speed up the fining process. Board to vote next week and give resident’s 30 day notification before implementation
      7. Objective: (i) Reduce inconsistencies that may be leading to dissatisfaction with the residents; (ii) Provide clarity on what the rules are; and (iii) How the HOA can assist.
      8. Should either or both be removed from the Violations Committee? Pros/Cons.
    2. Squatters -9154 Dover Street-Removed, Debris removal charged to owner account.
      1. Can the HOA do anything else when notified of squatters?
      2. Should the HOA allow a variance?


Pool is cleaned 3x/week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Mushroom comes on 11-7 daily


  1. Committee meeting met on Tuesday May 21st
    1. The long-term goal is for the Violations Committee to write rules and regulations that will be distributed to the neighborhood by the end of the summer.
    2. Action items:
      1. Review covenants and by-laws with volunteers to provide them with guidelines for what constitutes violations. Steve/Stephanie will focus on 8-10 violations for volunteers to report on.
      2. Use neighborhood maps to split up the neighborhood into areas for the volunteers to review and report
      3. Volunteers to spend 2-4 weeks documenting violations.
      4. Steve,Stephanie, and the Chairs will review violation reports to determine whether there have been violations, give additional guidance to volunteers on reporting, and identify any areas that may be unclear.
      5. Meet with volunteers to give additional guidance on the process and continue reporting.
      6. Volunteers to help with an initial draft of Trib Rules to be reviewed by the entire HOA Board.
    3. Pet violations
  2. Street parking
  3. Other business


2. Operations-Chair Vicki Potter, Vice Chair Mario Cooper (30 Min)
  1. 2024 Major Reserve items
    1. Social Park arbor
    2. Village pool pumps
    3. Village pool filters
    4. Ice machine
  2. Riverbanks Playground equipment
    1. Send out survey
  3. Re-registration update
    1. 668 received to date-
      1. Not all of them are acurately completed-If card numbers are not provided then access is turned off.
    2. Issue pool bands to registered residents only -309 issued to date
  4. Committee meetings-Status
  5. Street tree pruning-Complete-Additional requests coming in-4-5
  6. Park of Commerce East landscaping. CTS to commence when complete
  7. Irrigation repairs Substantially complete
  8. Turf aeration to commence mid – June
  9. Social Park arbor
  10. Pressure washing-VAC, RAC, TC, Social Park, Detention pond on Devonshire, townhomes-Complete
  11. Proposal for plantings along Ashton Old & Ancoats
    1. $11,613.82
  12. VAC pump room door-New door to be installed in the next week
  13. Village trash cans-Ordered 6 new cans-5-6 week delivery
  14. Replace deck at Village pond-$10,763.79-Pressure treated; Polymer-$16,464.91
  15. Aerator in Village pond-New motor or aerator needed.
  16. Other business


3. Treasurer Update-Chandra Winford/Fielder Roberts (15 Min)
  1. Financials thru end of April
    1. Updated spread sheet from Power Point now that year end totals are complete
  2. AR report ending 5.31.24-HOA & TH
  3. Disconnect list as of 5.31.24
  4. Audit of financials-Waiting on additional proposals
    1. Received an official quote of 8k per entity (HOA, TH, Covenant to Share, Alliance)
    2. This is an extensive audit. We may be able to consider a baseline audit to cover the past two years. Anything prior to the community turnover by the developer is out of scope.
  5. Pay plan agreement-Coulter & Sierra-Form
  6. Other business


4. Technology & Communication – Chair Fielder Roberts, Vice Terrance Maze (10 Min)
  1. Hotwire
    1. Requested they paint the head end building and replace the stone piers. Verify colors
    2. Redundancy to Riverbanks complete
  2. Integrated Data Tech proposal-Set up call
  3. Other Business


5. Townhomes-Chair Jeanette Phillips, Vice Chair Chandra Winford (5 Min)
  1. Quarterly meeting held 5/29/24
  2. Painting
    1. 2 quotes received. Get 2 more quotes.
  3. Roof replacement all buildings needed now
    1. 4 roof replacement quotes received.
  4. Repairs to 9972 Ashton Old Road commencing Friday
  5. Water leaks-9970 Ashton Old Road-Repairs commenced
  6. Repairs to 9934 Mancunian Way-Gutters complete. This unit sold.
  7. Minor repairs and landscaping still on work order list
  8. Addresses on front of units-Review Extreme Images Proposal-Waiting on final quote with plaque design
  9. Other business


6. Architectural Control-Chair Kamilah Henry, Vice Chair Vicki Potter (5 Min)
  1. DR Horton has commenced construction in C-2A-Paying HOA vacant lot dues
    1. 10 sales May & June
    2. Verify house colors are correct on Stretford-Repainting lot 440 2nd floor
  2. Review master plans from Charlie Hightower-7 lots in Riverbanks
  3. Other Business


7. Events – Chair Terrance Maze, Vice Chair Kamilah Henry (10 Min)
  1. Event Newsletters-Sent through Triblife monthly by DJ
    1. Latin Night-6.9.24
    2. Pool Party-6.15.24
    3. Juneteenth
  2. Other business


8. Announcements/Presentations (5 Min)
Connect Douglas County transportation-Steve to follow up
Other Business


Community session adjourned @ 8:15pm


9. Future Meeting Dates (1 Min)
Meeting Dates
  • July 11th Executive Work Session
  • August 8th Executive Work Session
  • September 12th Community Meeting
  • October 10th Executive Work Session
  • November 14th Executive Work Session
  • December 12th-Annual meeting


Board to consider increasing the gym equipment review from once a quarter to once a month. The review is done to check the state of the equipment, write a report on what needs to be repaired, and Steve submits orders for equipment needed. There is a 3-4 week lead time on parts arrival


DJ will reach out to local workout facilities to see about partnering with Tributary for an additional workout location. Maybe offer a discounted rate for Trib residents who want to take advantage.

PDF of full meeting minutes – Meetiing Minutes 6.13.24 Community meeting v2