Alliance Work Meeting – August 10, 2023

Alliance at New Manchester

Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2023

Attendance:  President – Whitney Kenner Jones (initially via Webex); Trustee 1 – Mike Orndorff; Trustee 2 – Amy McCoy; Secretary – Doyal Siddell; Steve Osterbur – Development Manager; and Stephanie Reeves — Community Association Manger

Excused Absence:  Board Member Aleigha Roberts

The August/Quarterly Public Meeting of the Alliance Board at New Manchester Executive was called to order by Board Member Mike Orndorff at 6:07 p.m.

Following opening remarks, Board Member called for review of the July 13th, 2023 meeting minutes.  Board Member Mike Orndorff moved that the minutes be approved; President-Whitney Kenner Jones seconded the motion for approval.  The July 13th Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously.

Capital Improvements Committee Report

 Steve Osterbur – Development Manager, gave updates/shared information on the following capital improvement item in committee chair’s absence

  1. Electrical outlets at Riverbanks park (Dover Park).
    1. Waiting on work order from contractor, Greystone
  2. New trail heads/trails
    1. Upper location of Colchester needs additional fill. Switchback will not work
    2. Lower location needs property corners located, Corners located:
  3. Dover Street- Corners located
  • Hanover Street – Corners located
  1. Loxford Street Fence-Shrubs removed
  1. Bocce ball Horseshoe pits: Burrough-+/- $25,000 — 3 quotes; THIS ITEM IS NOT A PRIORITY AND has been placed on
  2. Dumpster Enclosure at Riverbanks Acitivity Center:
    1. Work should commence on this project later during the month of August
    2. 2023 Budget-$46,960; Spent to date-$9,009.88 (Doggie Station, Pickle ball nets, Trail fencing)

Education Committee

No committee report or updates.

Communications Technology Committee Report

Committee Chair Mike Orndorff gave the following updates:
Meeting minutes for the following Board meetings have been posted at the Tributary link for Alliance Committee information:

  • 9.23 meeting minutes
  • 13.23 meeting minutes
  • 11.23 meeting minutes
  • 13.23 meeting minutes

Clubs/Holiday Decorations/Street Trees Committee Report

Board Chair, Whitney Kenner Jones, facilitated this segment of the meeting.  The following club representatives were present and gave insights on their clubs:

  • CommUNITY Club – Brittney Price, current chair of the CommUNITY Club was present and gave a great deal of information about the group. Board members left her with the notion/suggestion of serving as the facilitator of the Social Club – rather than the CommUNITY Club.  We await her decision on this suggestion.
  • Tennis Club – Allison Goins was present and shared updates with the Board about the Tennis Club and its activities during the summer. This information was complimented by insights shared by Board Member Mike Orndorff.
  • Trail Crew Club – Sue Krotz was present and gave the Board an update and overview of the club’s ongoing and upcoming activities.
  • Women’s Book Club – Peggy Estes was present and shared information about the Women’s Book Club and some of the activities it performs on an ongoing basis. She also talked about some of the things the club has planned for the upcoming months and year.  Club members meet monthly.
  • Run Club – Conrad Kiffin shared information and gave the Board updates about the Run Club.

Treasurer’s Report

In treasurer’s absence, Steve Osterbur – Development Manager, gave updates and shared information with the Board regarding the Alliance Board Financial Report ending July 31st, 2023.


Board member Doyal Siddell moved for meeting adjournment; motion was seconded by Board member Orndorff.  Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by,

Doyal Siddell, Secretary

Alliance Board at Manchester

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Executive meeting:  Thursday October 12thz
Community meetings:  Thursday November 9th