Alliance Work Session – May 11, 2023

Alliance at New Manchester

Monthly Board Meeting
Minutes of May 11, 2023

Whitney Kenner Jones, President (Via Webex Meet); Aleigha Roberts – Treasurer; Mike Orndorff, Board Member 1; and Doyal Siddell – Secretary

The Alliance at New Manchester Board meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by Aleigha Roberts, who facilitated the meeting in President Kenner Jones’ physical absence.

Facilitator Aleigha Roberts called for a motion to approval the April Alliance Board meeting minutes. Trustee Orndorff moved March minutes be approved; motion was seconded by

Trustee Siddell. The motion was approved unamiously.

Capital Improvements Committee Report

Committee chair Aleigha Roberts gave updates on activities and actions relative to capital improvements in the Tributary at Manchester:

• Electrical outlets project at Riverbanks park (Dover Park) received a second quote and the project has been started.
• New trail heads/trails – Riverbanks: Trail heads have been completed and the second one is on hold.
• Trustees took up the ongoing discussion of the Barnesbury Dog Park being relocated.

It was agreed that the Dog Park and its relocation is a low priority at this time. The rationale expressed was that the relocation option being considered would carry a significant cost. This item will be tabled by the Board until further notice.

• Bridges for existing trails: No action taken on this project.
• Pickleball nets: The nets have been nets that are more portable and less heavy. DJ is working on selling the old one. At present, $700 has been recoupled, and there is one more left to be sold. The new portalbe nets are stored at the Tennis Center and are to be used on Court 4. Residents will be told they will coordinate the use of them with DJ.
• Puttiing Green and Corn Hole Equipment: Corn Hole Equipment will be placed in the putting green area behind the VAC.
• Bocce Ball and Horseshoe Pits: This issue continues on HOLD.
• Dumpster Enclosure for Tennis Center: This item was placed on hold as concern was expressed about the real need for an enclosure and potential outcomes if an enclosure is built around the dumpster at this location.
• Dumpster Enclosure – Riverbanks Activity Center: This item is on hold now as we are awaiting a second quote before construction is done. This project WILL NOT exceed a cost of $12,516.00.
• Doggie Bag Station – Burrough Park: The Doggie Bag Station project was installed last week (week of May 1st).

Education Committee Report

No report given. Mike Orndorff, Board Member 1, talked about some of the things the Education Committee has done in the past, specifically saying that in the past the Alliance Board has given out monies for a number of causes at New Manchester Elementary School. Whitney Kenner-Jones, Board President, noted that Ride Your Bike to School at New Manchester Elementary School will take place of May 19th.

Communications Technology Committee Report

Committee Chair Mike Orndorff shared the following:

• No report per say right now but, the 6Alliance Board Tab at the Triblife website is evolving right now with the posting of meeting minutes and other information.

Clubs/Holiday Decorations/Street Trees Committee

Board President Kenner-Jones shared she had no updates but said outreach has been made to all club presidents in the Tributary at New Manchester.

Brittany Price, presented a very detailed overview presentation about the CommUNITY Club and some of the ideas about potential activities and events for the rest of the year. Some of the possible activities/events included:

o Black History Month Event
o Women’s’2 History Month Event
o Cinco de Mayo Event
o Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Events
o Juneteenth Day Event
o Pride Month Event
o Jazz on the Green – Club’s potential signature event

Aleigha Roberts – Treasurer, shared insight and feedback with CommUNITY Club president Brittany Price about the advantages to community clubs of working with the Alliance Board. She noted the Board could approve funding of Club requests up to certain amounts when receipts are provided – in other words, reimbursements after purchases have been made.

Reports are expected by the following clubs at future meetings:

o Education Committee – Autumn Lewis
o Garden Club/Yard of the Month — Liz Romano
o Social Club – Phil Sisk
o Tennis Club – Allison Goings
o Trail Crew Club – Kevin and Sue Krotz
o Women’s Book Club – Peggy Estes
o Run Club – Conrad Kiffin and Daniel

Treasurer’s Report

Alliance Board treasurer Aleigha Roberts shared following financial information updates.

• Alliance Fee Spreadsheet, 2023 Quarterly Report, and other financial information was shared with Board members – for information purposes. Financial implications of sales sales of new and existing homes in the Tributary were discussed.

Board member Orndorff moved for meeting adjournment; motion was seconded by Board member Siddell. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:51p.m.

Minutes Submitted by,

Doyal Siddell, Secretary
Alliance Board at Manchester