Alliance Work Session – April 13, 2023

Alliance at New Manchester
Monthly Board Meeting

Minutes of April 13, 2023

Whitney Kenner-Jones – President; Aleigha Roberts – Treasurer; Mike Orndorff –  Board member 1; Amy McCoy – Board Member 2; Doyal Siddell – Secretary (Via Webex Meet); Stever Osterbur, Tributary Development Manager

The Alliance at New Manchester Board meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by President Kennar-Jones.

Alliance President Kenner-Jones called for a motion for approval of the Alliance Board meeting minutes.   Trustee Orndorff moved that March minutes approved; motion was seconded by Trustee Roberts.  The motion was approved unamiously.

Capital Improvements Committee Report

Committee chair Aleigha Roberts in conjunction with Steve Osterbur shared updates on the a number of activities and actions relative to capital improvements in the Tributary at Manchester:

  • Electrical outlets at Riverbanks park (Dover Park)
    • Initial quote received was $7,500 is being held while the committee awaits additonal quotes
  • New trail heads/trails- Riverbanks. The approximate cost is $13,100 (includes fence and landscaping only)
    • Colchester Street
    • Dover Street
    • Hanover Street
    • Loxford Street
    • Work with the Trail Club to reduce costs
    • Village – new parcel
    • Two quotes have been received (packet was attached to agenda with quotes and spreadsheet comparion, prepared by Development Manger Steve Osterbur.
    • Trustees discussed the notion of the Barnesbury Dog Park being relocated. Discussed with this issue falls under the perview of the HOA or Alliance.  Group agreed that input by homeowners will be requested and taken into account before the relocation takes place.
  • Bridges for existing trails:
    • Committee currently has two quotes for this project. HOA is requesting help with covering the cost of the bridges. Group discussed this issue and agreed to have an information meeting with the HOA Board and seek agreement about some how expenses for this item will be covered/potentially shared.  This action awaits setting up meeting date and time.

  • Pickleball nets:

    • Purchasing new portable nets at a cost of $200 each – total expense of $400 awaiting action by Trustee Roberts moved and Trustee Orndorff – awaiting action by Trustees who agreed to make the purchases.
  • Bocce Ball and Horseshoe Pits:
    • Burrough — +/- $25,000 — 2 quotes: this issue continues on HOLD.
  • Dumpster Enclosure – Tennis Center: Quote and spreadsheet were attached to agenda and reviewed.
  • Dumpster Enclosure – Riverbanks Activity Center: Awaiting action/construction, as this action was approved at March meeting.
  • Doggie Bag Station – Burrough Park: Action in progress as approval was gained at March meeting.

    Education Committee Report
    No report given.  As at earlier meetinbg, Board members reaffirmed there is much lattitude in what this committee can develop and present for 9 consideration.

Communications Technology Committee Report

Committee Chair Mike Orndorff shared the following:

  • Alliance Tab has been created on the Triblife website (task done by HOA Board member Fielder Roberts – meeting minutes have been uploaded to the site for resident review and access).

Clubs/Holiday Decorations/Street Trees Committee

Board President Kenner-Jones presented updates on the follwing:

  • Clubs representatives will be invited to the May/quarterly meeting to share overvirew information about their respectvie club – including the following:
    • Chili Cook Off – Mike and Dawn Orndorff
    • CommUNITY – Howard Estes and Chris Finan (Taken over by Brittney)
    • Education Committee – Autumn Lewis
    • Garden Club/Yard of the Month — Liz Romano
    • Social Club – Phil Sisk
    • Tennis Club – Allison Goings
    • Trail Crew Club – Kevin and Sue Krotz
    • Women’s Book Club – Peggy Estes
    • Run Club – Conrad Kiffin and Daniel
  • Steve Osterbur will facilitate invites.

Treasurer’s Report

Alliance Board treasurer Aleigha Roberts shared following financial information updates.

  • Alliance Fee Spreadsheet, 2023 Quarterly Report, and other financial information was shared with Board members – for information purposes. Financial implications of sales sales of new and existing homes in the Tributary were discussed.

Board member McCoy moved for meeting adjournment; motion was seconded by Board member Siddell.  Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:08p.m.

Minutes Submitted by,

Doyal Siddell, Secretary

Alliance Board at Manchester